Junior Schedule
Spring Semester
Signals, Systems and Controls
- This course will present the following key concepts which are essential to the understanding of signals, systems, and controls in mechanical engineering systems: Basic elements of continuous-time signals and systems, including measurements and frequency content of a signal; differential equation models of systems, overview/review of solution techniques for first-order and second-order systems, and basic characteristics of system response in the time domain; Fourier series and Fourier transforms, including series and transform properties; system response to periodic inputs, including the definition and use of the frequency response function (FRF) of a system; Laplace transforms; transfer functions and stability analysis; theory and design of control systems using complex plane analysis and root locus techniques. The course will also incorporate significant MATLAB usage in homework assignments and a final design project.
- This course provides students an integrated theoretical and experimental learning experience in the area of electrical and mechanical systems. The lecture section covers the principles of measurements and instrumentation and the general area of mechatronics. In the laboratory, experiments have been carefully developed to teachbasic electrical circuits and different types of transducers and to demonstrate the lecture part ofthe course. The course provides students a basic understanding of measurements and instrumentation theory and practice, and an overview of Mechatronics. Mechatronics is the interdisciplinary integration of mechanical and electronics systems. The course gives students hands-on experience using basic electrical test equipment and sensors. Mechatronics is gaining importance in society because most advanced and everyday machines and systems are electronically/computer controlled and there is a need to monitor most mechanical systems and processes to ensure safety and efficiency. Sensors, actuators, signal processing, and data reduction are the elements of these mechatronic systems.
- Conduction, convection and radiation heat transfer. One-dimensional steady conduction and extended surfaces. Unsteady conduction and lumped model. Analysis of internal and external, laminar and turbulent, forced convection in basic geometry. Heat transfer correlations for more complex geometries. Black body radiation, view factor and radiant exchange between surfaces. Analysis of heat transfer problems in important engineering systems of current interest and in energy related areas
- Probability and Statistics I is an introduction tobasic statistical concepts and techniques with an emphasis on application to engineering. Topics include probability theory, binomial and normal distributions, descriptive statistics, and confidence intervals and hypothesis tests
- This class is for the beginner interested in wood turning. The student will be introduced to the basics starting with a discussion of lathes, toolsand tool sharpening. Then students will learn techniques required for furniture making to produce table legs and chair parts. An introduction to bowl turning will be taught.